High Pass Vineyard Willamette Sprockets White 2017

2018-11-27 High Pass Vineyard   Willamette Sprockets White 2017.jpg

This is going to be fun
because I don’t know what
kind of grapes I’m drinking.

The bottle shape indicates
Riesling, but I don’t KNOW yet.

The first sip contains the
honeycomb flavor, so that fits.

There’s a “harshness” that I’m
not familiar with. Especially
in Riesling.

Like stemmy tannins, but I’m
having trouble zeroing in on it.

I’m having Arborio rice fixed
with sauteed moth wings, shallots,
and chicken broth.

I’m a fan of this kind of rice
now that I was able to fix it

The wine is probably a wee bit
sweet for a dry wine lover, but
it’s “OK” with the rice.

Curiosity reigns…

You know, when I was “pondering”
what they might make this out of,
PN came to mind “for some reason”.

(When all else fails, deploy
Occam’s razor.)

But in a WHITE???

Look at this…


So, it was “reasonable” to question
whether Riesling was in there.

Also, check the reference to

That could be the “harshness”
I’m detecting, but I would never
make the connection.

Day Two…


A German-style white with just
a tiny bit of sweetness to balance
the gratuitous and appreciated acidity.

All the usual suspects in
the flavor department.

With each sip, you try to
find a fault, but none appears.

Nothing but pure pleasure.

Chef’s note: I cooked the
rice in a LOW and SLOW manner,
allowing the grains to FULLY
absorb the moisture and
seasoning flavors required
to make the rice EDIBLE.

Freaking delicious.

Saint Peter: You’re out of
breath. What happened?
OTWN: I was running away
from a rice stampede and…
SP: Did it catch you?
OTWN: Yes, I tripped and
was instantly covered by a
mountain of cereal grain.
SP: You’re lucky it wasn’t
OTWN: Lovely, but I’m dead
and my favorite wine is
buried under the rice.
SP: You can’t have everything.
OTWN: But I’m dead now.
SP: Hand me your glass.
OTWN: Hey, that’s my Sprockets!
SP: Possessive you are.
OWTN: Gimme that bottle.
I’ll pour YOU some if you’re good.
SP: I was just going to admit you.
OTWN: Hand me your glass.

Let’s not put this one to
bed without “researching”
the Huxelrebe grape…


Was that helpful?


And there’s this from
Her Majesty…


Emily Litella says that
this grape tastes like Muskrats.

Say what?

So, in trying to make sense of this
“education” we have to back to…

“Therefore, the vineyard sites Teutonic
sources its fruit in Oregon are
located in cooler areas and at

Oh yeah.

Gimme some o’ dat…

I don’t wanna say goodbye…

Hang in there.

Camino Roca Altxerri Getariako Txakolina 2016

2018-08-03 Camino Roca Altxerri   Getariako Txakolina 2016.jpg

Grapes: 100% Hondurrabi Zuri

Click to access Roca%20Altxerri%20Txakoli%202016%20Technical%20Sheet.pdf

If incomprehensible names
were worth points, this
wine would be off the scale.

There is nothing to do
except pop the cork and
dive in.


Especially after that
“unexpected” Loire CF.

This reminds me of
Vinho Verde, but with
a bit more flavor punch.

I tasted lemon, but the
“winemaker” notes say

On day one I drank most
of this low ALC beauty
while munching on potato
chips and a grilled
turkey/Muenster sandwich.

On day two, I’m having
for a liquid brunch.

How much more pleasurable
would our lives be if
we “customarily” had this
kind of wine during our
10AM work break?

It is difficult to imagine
our “well corked” society
becoming THAT evolved.

I doesn’t take much FOR
ME (Form E to IRS employees)
to imagine a BETTER WORLD…

“Mobile Enotica” service
for businesses.

At 10AM, the bell rings
and all the employees rush
out to the parking lot to
greet the “wine truck”.

The truck stops, the driver
gets out, and then pops
open the sides of the truck
to reveal iced down,
gorgeous little 350ml
bottles of every LIGHT wine
elixer imagined by man.

Let me go over to the “red”
side to see if they have
a Georgian PN (or reasonable

No? I’m filing a complaint
with HR.

Gee, brunch is almost over
and I’m already having
withdrawal symptoms.

I know. I’ll learn to fly.
On my own. Without wine.

Aw shucks, I ain’t got wings…

Tom should have
eschewed the Zin.

I refuse to not repeat things
on the grounds that I may not
re-incriminate myself.

St. Peter: What do you
have to say for yourself.
OTWN: I was a good person
but I tended to repeat
myself, over and over,
ad infinitum, as far as
the eye can see.
SP: Go stand in the corner.
OTWN: What? With all those

What’s for lunch?

Hang in there.