Sladić Debit 2015

2018-12-18 Sladic Debit 2015   Label.jpg

I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.

I promise to take notes
next time IF I GET THE

This wine was STUNNING.

You can read the description
on the back of the bottle.

2018-12-18 Sladic Debit 2015   Desc.jpg

The wine is better than
ANY description.

This would be Eve’s wine.

I didn’t take the time to
see what kind of grapes were

Since the wine comes from Croatia,
I figured they would be “different”.

The honeycomb flavor was so
delicious that you might think
that there was just a tiny bit
of residual sugar in there.

Maybe. I don’t know. No matter.

There was plenty of acidity to
balance the imagined? sweetness.

The flavors hit you from every

Adam: Have you seen Eve?
God: I sent her to the orchard
to pick grapes.
A: Not again!!!
G: SOMEBODY has to pick grapes.
A: Yeah, but she eats the old
shriveled ones that have already
fallen off the vine.
G: Waste not, want not.
A: And she gets potted in
the process.
G: What have I done!
A: You made grapes to ferment and
you make Eve work too hard.
G: I must atone.
A: Let’s have some of that
Debit you’re hoarding and think
about priorities.
G: Sounds good. Now go down to
the orchard and drag Eve back up here.

(Much later…)

OK, so the grape is “Debit”.

Here are some “educational”

Hang in there.

Caso Único Vinho Tinto NV

2018-12-16 Caso Único Vinho Tinto NV.jpg

Best consumed before the
next ice age.

Excellent paired with xylem
and phloem (while supplies last).

Exhibits all the elegance of
an exhumed chainmail suit.

Carefully farmed using the
stick and carrot technique.

Can’t wait to try it?

Take a deep breath and
reorder your grey cells…

And were you able to follow
the bass line?

I didn’t think so.

Hang in there.

Pavao Vinho Verde Tinto NV

2018-12-12 Pavao Vinho Verde Tinto   NV.jpg

Pavao Vinho Verde Tinto NV

Another one from the $100 case.

My notes indicate the I have had
VV whites and rosés, but this is
my first “tinto”.

A bit fizzy (not unusual
for VV).

Very low ALC = 11.5%.

Fruit bomb.

Unexpected full bodied
for a low ALC wine.

Enough “structure” in
the form of acidity and
tannins to keep the wine
from being ridiculous.

I don’t know what you
are SUPPOSED TO do with
this kind of wine.

Sangria comes to mind.

The grapes used in the reds
aren’t household names…

You CAN enjoy this wine
if you are prepared for
something fun and different.


This looks to be another
“non-vintage” offering from

Seems like they ought to
have at least a “born on”
date or SOMETHING.

Hang in there.

FOYE Sauvignon Blanc Valle del Maule 2017

2018-12-11 FOYE Sauvignon Blanc   Valle del Maule 2017.jpg

Saint Peter: What happened
to YOU?
OTWN: I was born silly and
never recovered.
SP: Why didn’t you seek help.
OTWN: I did, but I couldn’t
find anybody silly enough to
help ME.
SP: No matter. You’re here
now and you should feel right
at home.
OTWN: What? Are all these souls
SP: Don’t be silly. WE are
OTWN: Can I be excused?
SP: Sure. Go stand in the

It never occurred to me to
track down exceptional
white wine in Paola or
Brookside, but “stuff” happens.

I’m “busy” today, so…

I have no idea what I’m
drinking except that…

It’s good.
It came in the $100 case.
We opened it to include in
the “Chicken Piccata”.
After seeing how much I’m
enjoying this wine, the reds
in my cooler are organizing
a pilgrimage to Tibet.

OTWN: Hey Theresa, do you
remember where we keep the
T: Refrigerator?
OTWN: OK, but where?
T: Look in the crisper.
OTWN: I can’t find them
T: Oh wait a minute. There
was a 2014 Fleurie up here
this morning looking for
backpacking food. It left a
trail menu.
OTWN (reading menu): Yummy.
T: Who’s going to cook for
a bunch of full wine bottles?
OTWN (making sign to
hang around neck): I’m going
for a walk.

“Will Cook for
Full Wine Bottles”

Hang in there.

Nia Cabernet Sauvignon 2015

2018-12-09 Nia Cabernet Sauvignon   2015.jpg

From the newest $100 Underdog case.

Lucky me, I gagged on this on
day one and put the wine
“on the rack” for overnight

Day Two…

It’s amazing what a little
discipline will do.

The wine is winding its way
through my being in a most
seductive way as if to
curry favor with me on behalf
of all wines CAB.

I had a CAB once that was

Finding another has been
a “spare time obsession”
ever since.

Pale body/flavor with a hint
of vanilla from soft oak.

Blackcurrant milkshake.

This wine comes close.

After drinking a SUBSTANTIAL
amount of this one, I declare that…




Is it live?????

Crystal Clear.

And this bottle was FREE,
relatively speaking.

Come on, take a…

I’m staring at the remaining
eleven bottles and hoping that

Lest there be any confusion about
how this wine has mellowed my soul…

It was a nice song until he got
to the part about the grass being

But, but, but what about
the wine?

Let’s see if we can find
SOMETHING on-line…

Sheesh, only this…

Wine Detail

Note that it contains 20% Merlot.

Hang in there.

Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017

2018-12-07 Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017.jpg

This is a three-peat.

I had it in April AND June.

This IS however a new vintage.

I didn’t take notes because
I would have felt like Lenny
if I did.

My existing notes tell me that
my memory isn’t THAT bad.

Now if I can just remember that
I don’t need to “try” this one

Saint Peter: OMG, you died drinking
an Austrian rosé. How horrible!
OTWN: Not really, the wine keeps
getting better.
SP: I mean, YOU’RE DEAD.
OTWN: What kind of wine
should I have been drinking?
SP: How about a CAB?
OTWN: That would be the death of me.
SP: Exactly.

Hang in there.

Illahe Willamette Valley Pinot Noir 2017

2018-12-05 Illahe Willamette Valley   PN 2017.jpg

Well, if this isn’t right up
my alley, then nothing is.

YOU tell ME what this wine
is like.

I’m all orejas.

But don’t get corn fused.

This one is from Oregon.

Say no more.

UNLESS you want to venture
up AND down the coast.

Much to find.

Much to appreciate.

Someone, please, tell me
when, why, and how did God
create the Willamette Valley.

In the absence of actual
NOISE in reply…

I feel better now.

(I’m not sure whether it
is the wine or Spike Jones.)

Frightfully Stunning Wine.

Day Two…

If you follow this one to
“the dregs” you will find
a most delicious sediment.

Most welcome in a PN.

Hang in there.

Clos du Gaimont Vouvray 2016

2018-12-04 Clos du Gaimont Vouvray   2016.jpg

Chenin Blanc, that is.

I happen to have opened this
wine when the stock market was
getting CRUSHED.

Not the best time to be taking “notes”.

The first sip of the wine caused
me to do one of those “shudder”

Where the whole body tries to
shake it off.

Like having cold water sprayed on
you, but on a REALLY HOT DAY WHEN

I have no idea what is going on.

The wine is simply SHOCKING.

(That would be a good thing.)

For “whatever reason”, I was curious

After the case discount and the
gift certificate “per bottle allocation”,
I paid around $12 for this one.

Lest there be any confusion,
this is a Loire Valley wine.

And while we’re taking the
refresher course, let’s put
in our order for a
Sancerre PN/rouge.

How expensive is that?

Hmmmm. It might be doable.

Do any bottles land in KS/MO?

Hang in there.

AntHill Farms Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2016

2018-12-02 AntHill Farms Sonoma   Coast PN 2016.jpg

Holy Crap.

If that’s all I say then
that should motivate you
to sell everything and
get to the liquor store.

It took me a “few sips”
to get into it, but this
wine is…



I don’t even know where
the wine comes from. Yet.

Don’t care.

Didn’t bother reading the label.

I still haven’t “gone educational”
and I’m past the shoulder.



Oh, how silly of me…


This Pinot Noir goes with yellow pants.

Swiveling hips.


Brown skin.

Brotherly love.

Puppies and kittens.

Warm solar rays on a cold day.

Commission-free option trades.

Oops, I’m Earthbound and down…

And for the record…

Brown Lab: Am I your favorite
OWTN: Well Sweetie, there are
lots of “things” out there.
BL: Well, am I your favorite
BROWN thing?
OTWN: I don’t know. There’s
chocolate and…
BL: Then am I your favorite brown
thing that poops in the yard?
OTWN (thinking seriously):
Well maybe. At least until
I catch Halle Berry
poopin’ in my yard.

Totally irrelevant nonsense…

I quit watching “movies” because
I’m too old.

But, but, but, I just
discovered “John Wick 3”.

First Look at Halle Berry in John Wick: Chapter 3

Hmmmmm, perhaps a dopamine bath.

Look at those GSDs. Based upon their
“positioning”, I’d say they are more
intelligent than central bankers.

See how “interesting” this wine

Saint Peter: Why does your brain
look like swiss cheese?
OTWN: I lived on Earth.
SP: Why didn’t you take drugs
like everybody else?
OTWN: I wasn’t thinking.
SP: Nobody else was. Why should
you be different?
OTWN: I drank Pinot Noir.
SP: Ah yes. What kind did
you like the best?
OTWN: I don’t know. My eyesight
got blurry by the time I
got curious about what I was
SP: Saint Gregory should be able
to fix your eyesight.
OTWN: Which one?
SP: Huh?
OTWN: Which saint, not which eye,
don’t be silly.
SP: Go stand in the corner and
don’t trip over those CAB drinkers.


St. Gregory (du jour): How can
I help you my son?
OTWN: I can’t read the bottle
SG: Let me have a taste.
OTWN (hedging the risk that he
could be talking to an ex-Pope.):
I thought you were “all-knowing”.
SG: I am. But I’m thirsty too.
OTWN: Well?
SG: This wine hails from an area
just a bit south of MY DOMAIN.
OTWN: Is that bad?
SG: Let me have another sip.


Answer: Sonoma Coast

OWTN Question: What is the
California AVA that encompasses
a confusing area of land that
produces wines that only
saints and lemming herders
can love?.

Long live lemming herders.

And pilgrims that can cover
the 80 miles from from Bodega Bay
to Mendocino without dying
of thirst.

(I’m leaving the saints to fend
for themselves and I don’t care
if the pilgrims are long-lived.)

Might I suggest that they
(saints, lemmings, and
pilgrims) fill their
camel packs with

(I’m an equal opportunity
offerer of fine wine advice.)


Hang in there.


Imaginary Editor: You
didn’t say anything intelligent
about the wine.
OTWN: What wine?
IE: The Ant wine.
OTWN: I don’t remember
drinking it.
IE: But you just finished
half a bottle.
OTWN: It must have been
IE: Well then write something
OTWN: I’m an option trader dude,
not a silly wine lover.
IE: Let me see your P&L.
OTWN: Here.
IE (after reading the P&L):
Let me pour you another drink
while you reconsider your forte.