La Rioja Alta “Viña Alberdi” Reserva Rioja 2011

2018-11-16 La Rioja Alta Viña Alberdi Reserva Rioja 2011.jpg

Saint Peter: You look sad.
OTWN: I’m dead DUDE.
SP: What was your top card?
OTWN: Queen of Hearts.
SP: Normally that’s good.
OTWN: I traded it away.
SP: Go stand in the corner.
OTWN: But they’re drinking Rioja
over there.
SP: It’s all you can drink, no cover.
OTWN: Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!
SP: Not again?

I TRY to avoid the OAK, but
it’s HARD.

I should NEVER take home a
RESERVA no matter what the
experts say.

It’s just me.

The wine is wonderful.

I just don’t need no stinkin’ OAK.

Now that I’m thinking about it,
I would like to taste some
Rioja Nouveau.

I would miss the vanilla, but
at least I could taste the wine.

This one is “tolerable” in the
OAK department and “pleasurable”
in the VANILLA department.

I’m having trouble “sensing” the
wine because it is SO GOOD.

Dark red fruit.

Silky smooth vanilla.

Just enough OAK to get your

A favorite in purgatory.

I would never drink another
Rioja if it weren’t for the fact
that I won’t quit till I find
one that hits my bull’s-eye.

Saint Peter: You’re sober, what happened?
OTWN: I found the perfect Rioja.
SP: Really? I thought you were born after
HIS time.
OTWN: I was, another earthling made it.
SP: So why didn’t you continue drinking
other wines?
OTWN: I died when I took my first sip
of the perfect Rioja.
SP: Have you been talking to The Devil?
OTWN: How would I know?
SP: Well he’s… Oh, just go stand in
the corner.
OTWN: But I’m sober!
SP: Here, take this Crianza. It’s
not OAKy enough for US.
OTWN: Oh-oh.

Hang in there.

Gorrebusto Torre San Millán Rioja Tempranillo 2016

2018-07-12 Gorrebusto Torre San Millán Rioja Tempranillo 2016.jpg

Every day requires
a new miracle.

T-O-D-A-Y, this wine
and this song pulls
it off in stride.

I can’t write
any more, I’m in tears.

Enjoy the wine with
my blessing.

Just kidding.

I can write silly stuff
with my mind tied behind
my back.

RJD was kicking around
in there and as I sipped
the wine, this was the
song I wanted to listen

Maybe it is GOOD
to be melancholy
or sad from time to time.

Sometimes it happens
unexpectedly and we
struggle against the

Sometimes we see it
coming, set the
table and enjoy the

I didn’t mind having
Tempranillo on the
table today.

Maybe it’s more
“comforting” than my
beloved “PN”.

But, but, but, what
about the wine?

It doesn’t have a pedigree.

It’s the…

Some of us can relate,
so we embrace the genetic

Take a Creolin bath and
enjoy it with a half a
pound of rice.

Hang in there