Johannes Zillinger Reflexion Lage Steinthal St. Laurent 2015

2018-11-29 Zillinger Reflexion -   Lage Steinthal Sankt Laurent 2015.jpg

This is a repeat because it’s

That’s OK, but I wish there
were more dry red offerings
from this part of the world.

Zweigelt would be on the
top of the buy list.

The St.L is about as “bold” as
I can enjoy.

I’m not able to give a
“taste/flavor analysis” today
because this is one of those wines
that just simply tastes like “wine”.

(Why make an exception TODAY?)

Just drink it and enjoy it.

There ain’t no hair on it…


Then read this…

and this…

It’s a good thing I’m an
OLD (world) wine lover.

I guess.

Saint Peter: Look at me. I can’t
see your face.
OTWN: I grew up in the 60s.
SP: So. You’re bald now.
Quit pretending you have hair.
OTWN: I thought I would be
SP: You were born bald.
OTWN: I can’t win.
SP: What game do you think
we’re playing?
OTWN: Winner take all?
SP: What’s YOUR ante?
OTWN: I still have half of
this St. Laurent.
SP: WE win. Go stand in
the corner.

Hang in there.

Johannes Zillinger Reflexion Lage Steinthal St. Laurent

This one is love at first sip.

Makes me think (initially) of black/raspberry herbal tea.

Nice paleness and good acidity for me. No goofy/woody oak.

Plenty of nose but I won’t call it typical PN “perfume”.

Even the color in the glass is beautiful.

Getting an education on this one is a challenge.

I can’t figure out what “Lage Steinthal” means.

I did find this which was interesting…

If I’m reading this correctly, the wine comes
from a “second harvest”.

I don’t KNOW EXACTLY what that implies.

The paleness of the wine and the low ALC leads
me to think it means “LESS RIPE”.

That’s fine with me. The book implies that St. L
can be like a BOLD PN. This one is not bold.

I’m having smashed red potatoes that have overdosed
on rosemary. The wine actually goes pretty well.
It tames the rosemary with a little thyme maybe.

Also, for some reason, I’m able to make this wine
LAST. I must be taking fewer and smaller sips.

That’s nice.

Day Two…..

Another day of blissful slow sipping.

I’m being reminded of Languedoc wine today. Maybe from
a vintage “plagued” by “a sparsity of sun”.

There’s a richness of a blended wine and a wee
bit of stemmy greenness.

NOW I’m drooling for a Corbières wine.

How do you stop this incessant drooling?

OMG! I’m getting SLUDGE at the end of the bottle.

This is an unexpected and heavenly pleasure for a PN-like wine.

The sludge transports me to Alba.

And NOW as I sip the last few droplets off the
sludge, I am tasting cherry juice dripping off a
deer hide.

