Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017

2018-12-07 Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017.jpg

This is a three-peat.

I had it in April AND June.

This IS however a new vintage.

I didn’t take notes because
I would have felt like Lenny
if I did.

My existing notes tell me that
my memory isn’t THAT bad.

Now if I can just remember that
I don’t need to “try” this one

Saint Peter: OMG, you died drinking
an Austrian rosé. How horrible!
OTWN: Not really, the wine keeps
getting better.
SP: I mean, YOU’RE DEAD.
OTWN: What kind of wine
should I have been drinking?
SP: How about a CAB?
OTWN: That would be the death of me.
SP: Exactly.

Hang in there.

Von Winning Pinot Noir Rosé 2017

2018-11-30 Von Winning Pinot Noir Rosé 2017.jpg

After drinking that Sprockets
White with the PN in it, I have
decided that…

Man cannot live by PN RED alone,
he must have sparkling/dry white and rosé.

I might have to start including
St. Gregory in my “conversations”,
but I’ll have to decide WHICH ONE.

(Saint, not conversation, don’t
be silly.)

St. Gregory: Why are you choking?
OTWN: I read that the northern CA
vineyards were at risk of being
SG: Heaven forbid.
OWTN: That’s what we said, but
the fires kept raging.
SG: Relax my son, your
heavenly Father knows what’s best.
OTWN: You mean like burning the PN
SG: Don’t be silly.
OTWN (aside):
Maybe I, and my
imaginary readers and interlocutors
should stop accusing each other
of being silly.
SG: He’s probably recommending the
2005 Borgogne commune
wines if you’re on a budget.
OTWN: He knows me pretty well.
How about a bubbly?
SG: Now you’re talkin’ MY book
Hand me your flute.


Obviously, this wine is an
excellent libation.

It’s like drinking lipstick
in the most delicious way

In the lighter wines, the PN
perfume becomes flavor.

This is the second time recently
that I have come to this
“infusion conclusion”.

One good wine deserves another.

The wine is like a springboard
that offers you several ways to jump.

i.e. Bubbly white?, still white,
bubbly rosé, or still red.

Take a sip…

Try to imagine the bubbly playing
games with your tongue.

Try to image the white daring
you to find a soft fruit flavor
behind the veil of acidity.

Or try to imagine the red with
a hint of perfume and an
abundance of soft red fruit
flavor preserved with a
gentle splash of pucker potion.

For me, the answer is simple.

All of the above.

And for the uninitiated that
don’t get headaches easily…

Click to access nvsgbrutrose.pdf.pdf

No, I’m not drinking SG today.

I’m warming up.

Maybe tomorrow I can settle
down and pay attention to

Day Two…

Sorry, wine-induced
attention deficit disorder.

But, but, but, what about
the wine???

Hang in there.

Domaines Sumeire Les Nageurs Rosé Cotes de Provence 2017

2018-11-18 Domaines Sumeire Les Nageurs Rosé Cotes de Provence 2017.jpg

I assume that the winemakers were
fish in a previous incarnation.

Due to circumstances beyond
my control, my brain hurts
and I haven’t even started
to drink this morning.

I decided that today was a good
day for ANOTHER rosé, opened the cooler,
and discovered THIS WINE.

Just a few days ago I was “daydreaming”
about about Provence rosé as I drank
that SA Cinsault rosé.


I didn’t know I had this one.

My wish was for something
“a little drier” than the
SA wine.


As “luck” would have it, this wine
has a respectable amount of
Cinsault in it.


In a nutcase, the wine is just

Every rosé that I drink reduces
my tolerance for BOLD reds.

I don’t like being “confined” but
that’s just the way it is.

Maybe the middle is “more comfy”
than the extremes.

BOLD whites.
PALE reds.
ALL rosés.

And a light meal.

How delicious is that?


Y mañana, lo mismo.

Hang in there.

Radley & Finch Summer Sessions Cinsault Rosé 2018

2018-11-14 Radley & Finch Summer Sessions Cinsault Rosé 2018.jpg

I’m tasting the grapefruit-
honey-almond thing in this
one I think.

I can never remember the ingredients,
but this reminds me of a Scorpion mixed drink.

The goofy label and the fact
that this comes from SA had me
skeptical that this would be
“good enough”.

It’s good enough.

Delicious in fact.

The ALC is way down there at a
dancing-in-the-street 12% so
I assumed that there might be a
little sugar in there.

Maybe, but it doesn’t distract.

I’m pretty sure that this is
my first Cinsault rosé.

Now I’m wondering if “The French”
might make Cinsault rosé and if it might
be “drier”.

Let’s see what we can find in
“The Languedoc”.

OK, so that was a “no-brainer”.

Now I have something SPECIFIC
to shop for.

If I can remember.

Wife: Are you talking to yourself
OTWN: No, Binks is channeling
a South African Sommelier.
W: You shouldn’t keep listening
to that dead Weimaraner.
OTWN: But she has great insights.
W: Like what?
OTWN: Like shopping for rosé
in Provence.
W: I’m already packed.

I should be able to remember this now.

Right Binks?

Hang in there.


As it turns out, just four days
after drinking this wine, I had
a Provence rosé that I didn’t know
I had in the cooler when I was
drinking this one.

Pretty nice.

Backsberg South Africa Pinotage Rosé 2018

2018-08-22 Backsberg South Africa Pinotage Rosé 2018.jpg

#2, of the 6 for $60.

Holy Moly.

OTWN: I’m not afraid of
being blindsided by wine.
Yoda: You WILL BE.

And now I’m grovelling
at the feet of OUR wine
goddess in an attempt to
have her pour an ever
increasing number of
surprising wines on me.

Judge: You are charged
with being uninformed,
uninitiated, and otherwise
confused about the complexity
and enjoyability of wines
that can be obtained from
disparate locations on
your planet. How do you
you plead?
OTWN: Can I have a drink
while I think about it?

This insanity started quite
innocently last night as I
was sitting on the “patio”
enjoying the mild temperatures
and smells of cow dung.

My “lunch wine” was of
“insufficient quantity”, so
I decided to “sip” a bit
of SOMETHING before my
requisite bath.

This wine was chosen.

Last night was an
“adjusting period” as
I tried to drink
“just a little bit”.

TODAY, I’m getting
to enjoy this beauty
in its full glory.

And that is, WITHOUT FOOD.

This has to be the
perfect APERITIF.


Because it is in
no hurry to effect
the desired result.

Lunch can wait, have
another sip.


But, but, but, what
is the wine LIKE?

This wine is like
the feeling you have
when you wake up and
realize that you have
had the forethought
to purchase wine like
this for the TIMES

What time IS IT anyway?

I’m hungry now.

Thanks Simon.

And if life wasn’t
challenging ENOUGH, the
question of color raises
its chromatographic head.


I just poured the
wine into my lap trying
to observe its color.


Hang in there.

Prieler Rosé Vom Stein 2015

2018-08-10 Prieler Rosé Vom Stein 2015.jpg

I can’t help being Goofy,
I’m having A Momentary
Lapse of Reason…

This is the only
thing I can think of as
I sip this wine.

Suspended animation,
a state of bliss.

Almost sweet.

Fruit salad slurpee.

I don’t care WHAT
the flavors are.


When I pulled this one
out of the cooler this
morning I HOPED for something
like this, but THIS
is way beyond my

6am: Check global markets
7am: Coffee
8am: Check outstanding
stock options positions
prior to market open.
9am: After assessing
current market situation
and adjusting positions
accordingly, select
wine to be consumed
with lunch and move
(the wine) from cooler
to fridge.
10am: Start “cooking” lunch.
10:30am: Hurry up.

There’s no excessive
acidity nor is there a
cloying sweetness.

Just a seductive
“in between”.

I have fruit flies
arriving from Iowa.

There are no rotting
melons in the garden
this year, so
it must be the wine.

What’s in this bottle?

Since it’s Austrian, let’s
guess that it’s that PN
“similar” grape whose name
escapes me.

Not Zweigelt, the other red
from Austria. (St. Laurent?)

Let’s see.

OK, I missed by the sum
of a vineyard’s row lengths.

Here’s the Skurnick link…

And Terry Theise’s comments on the 2015 vintage…
(Search for Prieler)

And a link on the grape…

One minute you think
you know something about
wine, and the next minute
you are an idiot.

Ahhh, ignorance…

Learning never tasted
so good.

First when there’s nothing
But a slow budding flower
That your anticipation seems to hide
Deep inside your mind

All alone, I have made
little pools full of drool
In a fermentation made of steel
Made of stone

Well, I hear the crush
Close my eyes, smell the fumes
Wrap around, take a hold of my heart

What a feeling
Being’s believing
I can have it all
Now I’m drinking for my life

Take your palate
And make it happen
The MUST comes alive
You can drink right through your life

Now I hear the cork pop
Close my eyes, I am seduced
In a flash, it takes hold of my heart

What a feeling, being’s believing
I can have it all
Now I’m drinking for my life

Take your palate
And make it happen
The MUST comes alive
Now I’m drinking through my life

What a feeling

What a feeling (I am Wine now)
Being’s believing (I am Rosé now)
The MUST comes alive
You can drink right through your life

What a feeling (I can really have it all)
What a feeling
(The MUST comes alive when I call)
I can have it all (I can really have it all)

Have it all (MUST comes alive when I call)
(Call, call ,call, call, what a feeling)
I can have it all (being’s believing)
Being’s believing (take your palate)
(Make it happen) Make it happen
(What a feeling) What a feeling

What did YOU think this
song was about?

Hang in there.

Underwood Rosé IN A CAN

2018-06-26 Underwood Rosé CAN.jpg

Underwood Rosé IN A CAN

What am I missing?

Not a thing apparently.

So much for glass…


We don’t need no
stinkin’ containers,
hand me that goat
bladder full of Zin.

(Don’t ask for it
on the rocks.)

the low ALC leads me
to believe that there
is a wee bit of sugar
in this one.

That’s OK, it GOES
WITH the potato salad.

(Are they dating?)

Wine Babe: I have a date,
I’m leaving.
Single Mom: Who is it?
WB: Mr. Potato Head.
SM: Are you “going
with” HIM?
WB: Sure, he’s a bit
starchy, but he has
great tubers.
SM: Does he have any
leafy green friends?
WB: Oh, you mean Mr.
Pot Head?

to drink.


Story Time…

My first “wine experience”
was “Boone’s Farm” during
freaking MARDI GRAS in

I brought three friends
home to NOLA from my
“religious school” in
Birmingham AL just for
the weekend before
Mardi Gras.

One of my “friends” was
a rich kid with a brand
new Gran Torino.

Saturday night was party
time as I gathered up
several of my local church
misfits to help us
celebrate my
first +18yo “outing”.

You could drink
ANYTHING legally in
NOLA if you were
18, or younger if
the cashier was a
friend or even a young
person, or you had
an older brother,
or you stole liquor
out of the back of
WRECKED cars, yada,
yada, yada.

Nobody checked.


survived and
I learned to
eschew cheap wine.

I also learned to
consult the dictionary
before writing words
whose meaning escapes

(You got that right.)

On the other hand…


(I majored in MATH
when I was sober.)

But, but, but…

What about the wine?

Buy more, drink more.

How hard is that?

Crash Victim: I
should have bought
more insurance.
Option Trader: I
can sell you a good
policy on your
totaled vehicle.
CV: Why?
OT: So you won’t lose
MORE money if you total
it again.
CV: Where do I sign?
OT: Right under “loser”.
CV: How do I know you
can pay up?
OT: Your car isn’t worth
anything NOW.
CV: Oh yeah, OK.

And just in case you
have the 23rd, 20th, and
6th letters of the alphabet
wedged between your ears…


Hang in there.

Messmer Spätburgunder Rosé Trocken Pfaltz 2016

2018-06-21 Messmer Spätburgunder Rosé Trocken Pfaltz 2016.jpg

Try to remember
to get the wine name

(I tried.)

I love the RED PN from
this producer, so I
jumped at the chance to
try the rosé.

The first sip tells
me that my instincts
are GOOD.

I expect this to be
from the PN grapes.

I don’t know yet.

The subtle perfume
tells me that it is.

I guess I’m getting
old and set in my

Wines are either

Here’s a link…


Notice that the
“import partner’s”
tasting note basically
says that the wine

BTW, Mr. Theise,
I eat my lunch in
“scenic surroundings”
every day and enjoy
wine in the process.

Aspiration accomplished.

I hope this is
a reasonable substitute
for “picnics”.

WHICH are for folks
that DON’T live in
pastoral settings.

Why travel to get
ticks and chiggers
when your pets bring
them home for lunch?

(I neither eat nor
feed insects.)

Additionally, if you
didn’t drink your
you could enjoy some
in the winter.

How hard is that?


Notwithstanding this
God Bless Skurnick
and Mr. Theise.


I’ll re-screw-cap
this one
Til Tomorrow…

What kind of wine

Day Two…

Patient: I’m troubled.
I talk to my dead dog
BINKS all the time and
all she cares about is
what’s for lunch.
Shrink: What IS for lunch?
P: Sauteed Honey Baked
turkey and Meunster on
toasted wheat bread.
P: Messmer rosé.
S: He seems OK to
me BINKS. Let’s eat.

Since I use snowflakes
(the frozen water kind)
for bookmarks, I
easily lose my place.

If I didn’t take
notes I would not be
aware that PN MAKES

Sorry PN…

Now I’m wondering
about the relative
merits of the
various grape
varieties used in

Learning never tasted
so good on an empty

I’m not sure that
I have yet to convey
the extent to which
I have enjoyed this wine.

Silly me.

Hang in there.