Schmitt Sohne Relax Pinot Noir

I bought this one in Louisburg for $7.99 I think.

The BOTTLE color is magenta (or something) and
is 95% opaque.

Screw caps are music to my ears. (I “celebrate”
when I see one…)

(I counted six “key changes” or whatever they are called.
I can’t believe that they got THAT excited about a
wine bottle enclosure technique.)

This wine deserves my Riedel PN glass, so I cleaned
it and put it inside one of those frozen stone wine
chiller things.

I’m hoping the glass gives this wine a fighting chance.

The INTERESTING thing is that the “stuff” on the
bottle indicates that this is a German PN.

Qualitätswein, Rheinhessen.


The first gush of wine into the glass reveals a
pale, brick-like color that causes me to start drooling.



Can I just stop here and get on with life?

I guess not.

I can’t wait to be disappointed.

But Noooo, this wine is wonderful.

So pale and delicately fruity.

A nice feeling in the mouth but not acidic
or tannic.

At 12% ALC, I figured it was going to be
really pale or sweet.

Russian (or vacinity) wine quality roulette
(can this be played with a semi-automatic dispenser?)
with a PINKish spin-the-bottle “device”.

There may be a touch of sweet. If so, it’s not distracting
to me.

As I snuggle up to this one, it occurs to me that
I should be on the lookout for rosé of PN from disparate places.
Terroir, s’il vous plaît.

The problem is that there are TOO MANY wines to be on the
lookout for.

Due to the bottle construction, I can’t tell how much I’m
drinking without a 1,000,000+ candlepower spotlight, so I am
resolved to DRINK THE WHOLE BOTTLE in one sitting.

I COULD ask for MORE of EVERYTHING in a PN wine, but
this wine makes a compelling case for oenological asceticism.

(Apparently it has NEVER occurred to ANYBODY that this
is even a “concept”.)

When the mind is a gentle stream of clear and pure
flowing waters, the slightest hint of flavor or aroma
can alter the tranquility balance and initiate endless

On the other hand, most of us are addlepated and require
Napa CABs (or such) to “align” with our
schizophrenic sensibilities.

I’m not prejudiced against CS. I just don’t like it unless
it’s hiding in an uncorked fine Bordeaux wine bottle.

THE PN PERFUME. Where does it come from? Why can’t I
enjoy it EVERY day.

I’ll start singing (or something) in a minute…

The wine is gone and the forecast this afternoon
is for rain.

I guess I can just RELAX…

Gee, you can take your pick as to which “moody”
song suits your fancy.

I can’t decide which is worse…

Perhaps a deep breath will help. (How EXACTLY
does that help whatever it’s supposed to help?)

Patient: Doctor, I have a tendency to breathe
in a shallow fashion.
Doctor: Take deep breaths.
Patient: Will that REALLY help?
Doctor: The receptionist will help you make
an appointment with the shrink.

And eschew the semi-automatic dispensers after lunch.

I’m going to try to avoid opaque bottles
in the future.