Caso Único Vinho Tinto NV

2018-12-16 Caso Único Vinho Tinto NV.jpg

Best consumed before the
next ice age.

Excellent paired with xylem
and phloem (while supplies last).

Exhibits all the elegance of
an exhumed chainmail suit.

Carefully farmed using the
stick and carrot technique.

Can’t wait to try it?

Take a deep breath and
reorder your grey cells…

And were you able to follow
the bass line?

I didn’t think so.

Hang in there.

Pavao Vinho Verde Tinto NV

2018-12-12 Pavao Vinho Verde Tinto   NV.jpg

Pavao Vinho Verde Tinto NV

Another one from the $100 case.

My notes indicate the I have had
VV whites and rosés, but this is
my first “tinto”.

A bit fizzy (not unusual
for VV).

Very low ALC = 11.5%.

Fruit bomb.

Unexpected full bodied
for a low ALC wine.

Enough “structure” in
the form of acidity and
tannins to keep the wine
from being ridiculous.

I don’t know what you
are SUPPOSED TO do with
this kind of wine.

Sangria comes to mind.

The grapes used in the reds
aren’t household names…

You CAN enjoy this wine
if you are prepared for
something fun and different.


This looks to be another
“non-vintage” offering from

Seems like they ought to
have at least a “born on”
date or SOMETHING.

Hang in there.

Vieux Papes Rouge NV

2018-10-19 Vieux Papes Rouge   NV.jpg

I’m drinking “nondescript” wines
from the Underdog 6/$60 deal.

I like the deal because I “get to”
drink wines that I would otherwise

Some of the wines are actually
“notable” but I haven’t bothered
to take ATTENTIVE notes.

The “market” has forced me to

I don’t like not being able to
drift off into an imaginary world
where profits are accompanied
by fine wine and song.

But today is special, notwithstanding
the sparsity of profits.

Theresa thawed pork chops for lunch
and I decided to have mine with
“seasoned” grits.

For the grits, that’s chicken broth,
whole garlic cloves,
SmartBalance, freshly ground pepper,
and sharp Cheddar cheese.

I added a tiny bit of salt because I used
half broth/half water for my virgin voyage
into grits heaven.

I found the chicken broth/garlic idea on
“the internet”.

Pure genius.

I cooked the grits and set them aside
to cool.

Even quick grits benefit from lengthy
time on the heat.

Boil ’em.
Simmer ’em.
Keep ’em warm.
Let ’em cool a little.


Cut the pork chops into to thin strips,
cut the thin strips into little
“chips”, then SLOWLY saute them in SmartBalance
with a little salt and pepper
until the browning process yields an
irresistible THING.

Turn the heat off, make room for the cooled
grits, and add them to the center of the
skillet so that they warm up as the pork
cools off.

Finally… Seasoned Grits and Pork Chop Chips.


All of a sudden, that cheap Rhone blend is
heavenly and that garden-variety Lodi
Chard is an Earthly delight.

What do you expect in…

Dig that sax???

But, but, but,
what about the wine.

I scanned the bottle several times
and I CANNOT find a “year”.

So this is non-vintage AND nondescript

The most compelling thing about the
wine is the tennis shoe taste/odor.

I MAY BE sensitive to whatever chemical
is responsible.

Imagining sharing the wine
with Gina Carano after a sweaty workout
makes the wine more palatable.

I went through a spell where I picked
up the sensation in Oregon PN.

I’m not surprised when it’s in
a wine from southern France.

Maybe it’s one of the grape

I don’t know.

Here’s a link to the producer’s web site…

Although the text is in French, you will notice
that neither Gina’s name nor
her picture are on the web page.

So, in case you have the same affliction
that I do, here is a link to an article
which shows Gina getting ready to take her
shoes off.

I’m sorry, I’m lost in
the reeds today…

That does it. I need my pillow
and Blanquette de Limoux.

(Coming soon again.)

Hang in there.

Michel Gassier Costières-de-Nîmes Nostre Païs 2012

2018-08-18 Michel Gassier Costières-de-Nîmes Nostre Païs 2012.jpg


Of the 6 for $60, three
will be “challenging”.

A buttery, oaky Chard,
a Cab, and
this fire breathing Rhone.

I can feel the alcohol
in my nostrils as I exhale.

Somebody needs to invent
a swizzle stick for wine
that absorbs alcohol.

Moving on…

The wine is cloudy.

The flavor is “confusing”.

One could say “complex”
but that would imply
something desirable.

I don’t know about
this one.

It DOES have a distinct
flavor, I’m just not
wired into it yet.

Late 50s medicine chest???

I’m not having any
difficulty drinking it.

It’s just so AWFUL.

I can’t believe it.

Give me another sip.

Surely the winemaker is
doing time in a French
prison for releasing this
to the public.

And SOMEBODY let this
stuff sit around in a
warehouse for five years
or so.

OTWN: What were you thinking
when you let this wine be
St. Peter: We wanted to
find kind souls who would
sop it up so that others
would not have to endure
the torture of drinking it.
OTWN: Step aside, and hand
me that crystal PN glass.

Drinking delicious wine is
a journey.

So if you don’t mind pretending,
you can come along.

Day Two…

I decided to put this
wine up against the
frozen lasagna to see
if I could tame it a bit.

(I heated it up.)

((The lasagna.))

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

This is much better.

I’m actually ENJOYING
the wine today.

What is the wine LIKE?

I don’t have a clue.

It’s like southern France,
only a little more “eastern”
than I’m used to.

I imagine that this is
one of the more “intriguing”
blends from the Rhone.

A detective novel is not
interesting unless it includes
all the usual suspects.

Which grape is guilty of
making a dragon out of
this wine?

I don’t know.

Syrah is guilty until proven

im Schlafe merkst du nicht…

Sweet dreams.


Cloudiness: euphemism for
the crud you will find at
the bottom of the bottle.

Hand me that sling blade
so we can divide up the
last pour.

Hang in there.

Porta do Fontelo Beiras Red 2015

2018-07-02 Porta Do Fontelo   Portugal RED.jpg

From freaking Portugal…

(Yes, even wine retailers
can’t spell.)

This MIGHT be love
at first sip.

Sometimes I do get
DISTINCT impressions
of THE WINE after a few

Gamey, then a softness,
then tartness, and
finally smoke.

The fruit flavor
might be light

Nothing heavy.

Now I taste/feel

I took me a while
to figure out what
I’m drinking.

It looks like
the grapes come from
the Beiras region.

This will show
you the location
of Beira wine regions.

To make life interesting,
it looks like there
is a
geographic area, AND
wine region
named Beira.

So, I have no idea
what I’m drinking.

There is a reference
to UDACA on the

UDACA seems to be
a commune in the
Dão wine
region that claims
to make the wine
but there is no
specific clue as to
where the grapes
are sourced.

This makes sense
since there is no
wine region pedigree
specified on the bottle.

Notice that the
Dão and Beira
regions intertwine
as you move inland.

This would be a
perfect opportunity
to make affordable wine
from grapes that come
from various vineyards
in several different
regions that aren’t
in premier locations.

AND have the wine
turn out REALLY NICE.

This wine IS
really nice.

A fullness of
flavor without being

Now I’m picking up
a bit of something
GREEN and piquant.

Day Two…

Whatever GREEN there
WAS is getting lost
in the anti-braised
green beans and garlic
that I’m having today.

The wine is still

Like a high school
band concert.

Beauty is in the
eye of the beholder.

I played and I

I can’t decide which
is worse.

Why weren’t the
the band and audience
BOTH drinking
(wine preferably)
BEFORE the concert?


It seems like things
would have been a bit
less “tense” with
an “icebreaker”.

What a minute!

How does a
wonderful Portuguese
red wine make
one start thinking
about high school
band concerts???

Easy, the old grey
sponge can’t remember
anything else.

Shrink: How is
the old memory
holding up?
Option Trader: I
don’t remember.
S: What did you
wear to your third
birthday party?
OT: A buccaneer outfit.
S: Did you wear
a patch over one
OT: Yes, I had a
hard time reading
the wine list without

Hang in there.

Clovis Côtes du Rhône 2016

2018-06-25 Clovis Côtes du Rhône 2016.jpg

I’m losing my ability
and/or desire to analyze
the wines that I drink.

I just want to hug them.

This one’s eyeballs
are bulging out because
I’m hugging it so tightly.

When I first sip a French
blend, my hope is that it
tastes like WINE. Not
THIS or THAT, just WINE.

(See “musing” below.)

None of the fire-breathing
volatiles of a Spanish
Garnacha and only a
smidgen of the Syrah pepper.

Something magical produced
after the wedding.

This one is light enough
for me and it looks like
there is no oak.

Lunch today was
finely diced golden?
potatoes fried on an
antique cast iron
griddle with SmartBalance,
salt and pepper.

I decided to cook the
potatoes AFTER I picked
the wine.

Somehow I knew that

It was.

Now, as I take my last
few sips for the day,
I MIGHT BE tasting some

Tannins too, from the
skins, I ASSUME.

I will never LEARN
this stuff.

My lot in life is
to be in a state of
bewildered ignorance
whenever I take the
first sip of wine.

It SEEMS blissful.

The Syrah has me

Can I afford Condrieu?

What is the most
diluted (by white wine)
form of Syrah out there?

Are there ANY Syrahs
that aren’t peppery?

this one.

Story Time…

Vino 100 used to have
“wine tastings”
(with cheese)
on Friday afternoons.

Thank you Michael and
greetings Chad.

On one “special” occasion,
Thrace Bromberger was
there promoting her
GustavoThrace wines.

I was there “early”
and got the chance to
abuse her with questions.

“Boss”: What’s up?
ME: It’s 3pm on Friday,
I have to leave.
“B”: Where are you going?
ME: Vino 100.
“B”: I want to be a consultant.
ME: OK, then. Shut up and listen.

She was a lawyer or
SOMETHING with a kid
in little league baseball.

Gustavo had a kid on
the same team.

They met at a game
and she convinced him
to be the brains
behind a private
label/brand of wine
while she handled
the business and marketing

Everything was “contracted
out” except the actual
blending of the grapes
and winemaking.

She said that he could
just smell the “stuff”
and KNOW whether it
was going to become

“Bottle Shock” is a
must-see movie for any
wine lover.


And while I was
groping for my
map and flashlight,
I came upon this…

The 20+ Most Classy Wine Quotes of All Time

Enough of THAT
intellectual nonsense,
this is how WINE is
supposed to work…

Knock Knock.
Whose there?
Orange Who?
Orange you glad
the sockets aren’t
labeled LEFT and RIGHT?

But, but, but…

What about THIS wine?

Only this…


When I was a
tender, young, live-at-
my father “observed” that
I “had no ambition”.

I remember rejoicing
to my neighbor as
we sped away on my
motorcycle on route
to the nearest bar,
that I did in fact
have ambition.

I wanted to pull the
tab on every beer can
I could find.

Luckily, I failed.

We learn from our

Now I just want to
know WINE when I
drink it.

How hard is that?

It depends upon
which Romanian
gymnast we have to
compete against.

(just search for “wine”)

True or False?

All FINE wine drinkers
enjoy life.

Send me your answer
after you have
surveyed 80% of the
potential survey

Or GET this wine and
skew the statistics
a bit.

Day Two…

Obviously, I had way
too much fun drinking
this wine on Day One.

Not much left for today.

I’m still impressed.

This STYLE of Rhone
area wine should be
near the center of
my taste preference target.

Near the lighter
Sangiovese wines.

I’m still daydreaming
about Syrah.

It’s a good thing
this cat has the
attendant extra plays
because the
may cause me to drown
in my own drool.

Certainly there is
SOMEONE in the Northern
Valley that treats
her grapes with
dignity and respect.

Hang in there.

Gérard Bertrand Corbières 2014

2018-06-14 Gérard Bertrand Corbières 2014.jpg

At what time of
day do you start
thinking about which
wine you are having
for lunch.

I usually start at…

Since I was going
to have the savory meat
pies from Andre’s, I
wanted a “fuller than
(my) normal” RED.

I can’t remember what’s
in the cooler, so my
wine selection had to
wait until the market
opened and the dog woke
up and moved away from
the cooler door.


Corbières. That works.

I consider this to
be the French wine
that ordinary men
can drink every day
to make them feel

After just a few sips,
I feel like a king.

Call in the winemaker
and let me offer her
a chalice of gold as
a token of my
appreciation for this
year’s vintage.

Exploding with scrumptious
and voluptuous black fruit.

Gorgeous, soft tannins
that surround you like
a swarm of loving bees
bestowing kisses upon
your lips.

The slightest hint of
“leafy green things” that
lets you know that it’s

This one eschews Carignan
for the other varieties
allowed in the AOC’s
red wine.

That alone makes this
wine a “must try”.

I’m “real particular”
about Syrah.

It’s like, if you love
Syrah, you’ll like
Corbières, but not
vice versa.

Several weeks ago I
was drinking a “more
generic” Languedoc blend
and wondered why I wasn’t
drinking Corbières,
right then and there.

I didn’t know, but
this time I made sure
that I was getting
EXACTLY what I wanted,
whether I asked for it
correctly or not.


For a brief period of
time, right BEFORE Lukas
in Martin City opened,
(and Vino 100 folded)
I stopped at the VINO 100
store every other Friday
on my way home from “work”.

That’s where I was
introduced to Corbières.

It was a mind altering

(Doesn’t take much.)

This one has 14% ALC, so
I have to be good and
put a stopper in it
today, SOONER rather than

Tonight I will be visited
by the…

Most people didn’t know
how much Gary loved

Day Two…

It’s like Christmas
morning only I KNOW
what I’m getting.

Anti-braised home grown snow peas.


Better have the wine before
the food insanity ensues.

No matter, both are so
good that the sequence of
consumption doesn’t matter.

Life is good when
you have…

Good Food (I want you)
Good Wine (I need you)
Peace of Mind (Ain’t no way)

Oh well…

Hang in there.

Scarpetta Frico Rosso 2016

2018-06-12 Scarpetta Frico Rosso   2016.jpg

I brought home 26 bottles
from Lukas recently.

This was the “I can’t
wait to try” one.

And not because it was
probably the least
expensive one I bought.

It was Zach’s description.

Another direct hit.

Although this is a blend
of Sangiovese, Cab Sav,
and Merlot, it is still
light enough to stay
in my bull eye.

I’m not positive about
the grape blend but you
get the idea.

Light, yet busting with
flavor, and with just a
hint of oak.

I’m in between garlic/peppercorn
cheese with crackers, and
Szgediner Pork Goulash
(from Andre’s)
with polenta.

The wine is REALLY TART.

Just delicious.

Apparently, you don’t
HAVE TO club CS and Merlot
to death to make good wine.

And you don’t have to
break the bank to get
a perfectly fine wine.

It came to pass that,
in the era of grape
variety and viticulture
proliferation, the earthbound
inhabitants found
sustenance in the form
of fermented juice in the
all corners of the planet.

Those that chose to eschew
this largess escaped to Mars.

God turned THAT planet into dust.

Someday He will restore
Mars like he did Earth.

Then we can have the
best of BOTH worlds.

It is interesting to
consider that two
thousand years ago you
could prove that you
are GOD by making
“the best” wine.

Some things ever change.

As long as the wine
is palatable…

Day Two…

I’m having the leftovers
after eating a BLT
for brunch.

Just a gorgeous, tart
fruit bomb.

I’ll shut up because
I don’t want to go…

Are those sugar crystals
in the bottom of my glass?
