Von Winning Pinot Noir Rosé 2017

2018-11-30 Von Winning Pinot Noir Rosé 2017.jpg

After drinking that Sprockets
White with the PN in it, I have
decided that…

Man cannot live by PN RED alone,
he must have sparkling/dry white and rosé.

I might have to start including
St. Gregory in my “conversations”,
but I’ll have to decide WHICH ONE.

(Saint, not conversation, don’t
be silly.)

St. Gregory: Why are you choking?
OTWN: I read that the northern CA
vineyards were at risk of being
SG: Heaven forbid.
OWTN: That’s what we said, but
the fires kept raging.
SG: Relax my son, your
heavenly Father knows what’s best.
OTWN: You mean like burning the PN
SG: Don’t be silly.
OTWN (aside):
Maybe I, and my
imaginary readers and interlocutors
should stop accusing each other
of being silly.
SG: He’s probably recommending the
2005 Borgogne commune
wines if you’re on a budget.
OTWN: He knows me pretty well.
How about a bubbly?
SG: Now you’re talkin’ MY book
Hand me your flute.


Obviously, this wine is an
excellent libation.

It’s like drinking lipstick
in the most delicious way

In the lighter wines, the PN
perfume becomes flavor.

This is the second time recently
that I have come to this
“infusion conclusion”.

One good wine deserves another.

The wine is like a springboard
that offers you several ways to jump.

i.e. Bubbly white?, still white,
bubbly rosé, or still red.

Take a sip…

Try to imagine the bubbly playing
games with your tongue.

Try to image the white daring
you to find a soft fruit flavor
behind the veil of acidity.

Or try to imagine the red with
a hint of perfume and an
abundance of soft red fruit
flavor preserved with a
gentle splash of pucker potion.

For me, the answer is simple.

All of the above.

And for the uninitiated that
don’t get headaches easily…

Click to access nvsgbrutrose.pdf.pdf

No, I’m not drinking SG today.

I’m warming up.

Maybe tomorrow I can settle
down and pay attention to

Day Two…

Sorry, wine-induced
attention deficit disorder.

But, but, but, what about
the wine???

Hang in there.

Meßmer Pinot Noir 2013

2018-07-25 Meßmer Pinot Noir 2013.jpg

This is at least the
third time that I have had this one.

So comforting.

Totally seductive perfume.
Low ALC.
Nuttily astringent.
Plenty tart.
Non-intrusive fruit.
(Say what?)

Wine Fruit: Hey, I saw the
light on. What are YOU
ALL drinking?
OTWN: PN. Go away.
WF: I won’t stay long.
I just smelled that awesome
perfume. Couldn’t resist.
OTWN: Let me help you.
WF: Oh well, my GF just
opened a Garnacha.
OTWN: Vaya con Dios.

If I told the casual
wine drinker that I
liked PN from “eastern
Europe”, I would get a
blank stare.

Luckily I’m not any more
self-conscious than the
average paranoid schizophrenic.

I’ll go with “middle east” PN
if I can find it.

What will it take for the
Georgians to start making
fine dry wines and sending them
to Kansas?

I DON’T KNOW, but time is
running out FOR ME.

Where’re the autocratic,
communist governments of
this world when you need them?

Burgundy, I presume.

What’s all this “global”
nonsense for anyway?


I don’t mind going barefoot.

(Spring to Fall only please.
I’ll drink Rioja in the winter
with my socks and slippers on.)

Lest you think that I can
dream up this nonsense WITHOUT
FOOD, let me assure you that

Lunch menu…
Chili Cheese Corn Tortilla Stacks

(Requires imagination/nightmares.)

Take it or leave it.

The best stack was the one
that got forgotten in the oven
while I was “investigating”
a “blonde” that wrote an article
on corporate bonds.

The overdone stack (the food)
was good.

I didn’t read the article
because the deck was stacked
against me.

I think I need a …

from this BIG BOTTLE.

Day Two…

Actually, the bottle COULD
BE just a little bit bigger.

Hang in there.