Clos du Gaimont Vouvray 2016

2018-12-04 Clos du Gaimont Vouvray   2016.jpg

Chenin Blanc, that is.

I happen to have opened this
wine when the stock market was
getting CRUSHED.

Not the best time to be taking “notes”.

The first sip of the wine caused
me to do one of those “shudder”

Where the whole body tries to
shake it off.

Like having cold water sprayed on
you, but on a REALLY HOT DAY WHEN

I have no idea what is going on.

The wine is simply SHOCKING.

(That would be a good thing.)

For “whatever reason”, I was curious

After the case discount and the
gift certificate “per bottle allocation”,
I paid around $12 for this one.

Lest there be any confusion,
this is a Loire Valley wine.

And while we’re taking the
refresher course, let’s put
in our order for a
Sancerre PN/rouge.

How expensive is that?

Hmmmm. It might be doable.

Do any bottles land in KS/MO?

Hang in there.

Saumur Puy Notre Dame ‘Le Pied a l’Etrier’, Domaine de l’Enchantoir 2015

2018-08-01 Saumur Puy Notre Dame ‘Le Pied a l’Etrier’, Domaine de l’Enchantoir 2015.jpg

The first few sips hit
me with…

Surprising acidity.

“Crud” in the glass.

2018-08-01 Saumur Puy Notre Dame ‘Le Pied a l’Etrier’, Domaine de l’Enchantoir 2015 Wine Glass Crud.jpg

Big jammy flavor.

Oak aroma AND flavor.
(Forgive me, read on…)

Maybe a bit of “green”.

I expect to see more of
“the crud” later on and
that will be interesting.
(You got that right.)

I haven’t drunk CF enough
to have reasonable
expectations, but this one
catches me off guard with
the big flavor.

The acidity has something
like a fizz sensation to it.

I’m pretty much overwhelmed
with the aromas and flavors.

That’s how wimpy a red
drinker I am.

(I like reds, I’m just wimpy.)

Now I’m picking up the tannins.

After a few minutes of
sipping and snacking, I
can’t get away from the oak.

It’s getting in the way.

I imagine that one has to
subdue this characteristic
with some food that is

I’m starting to drool just
thinking about the perfect

Panini-style grilled baloney,
onion, and sweet pepper
sandwiches on hotdog buns.

We wouldn’t want to insult
the Italians by ALSO wasting

Oh silly me,,,

We need something “French” to eat.

Escargot Flambé Trébuchet

But, but, but, what about
the wine?

It’s “challenging” FOR ME.

The good news is that I
BOTTLE today.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

Day Two…

Still jammy. Blackberry maybe.

Still oaky.

TOO MUCH power Christopher.

I’m going to flog the
wine with anti-braised
(chicken broth/SmartBalance)
Brussels sprouts, parsley
and garlic.

Just smelling this concoction
cooking is making the
wine taste better.

OMG!!! After half a skillet of
the Niburu Brussels Sprouts,
the wine is completely tamed.

I submit. Drinking good wine
without eating the RIGHT food
MAY BE a mortal sin.

(If it was a venial sin,
purgatory would be a wine school.
What kind of punishment
would that be?)

St. Peter: Did you enjoy
the Loire wine we provided
for you?
OTWN: It was too heavy.
SP: What did you eat with it?
OTWN: Potato chips.
SP: Go stand in the corner.
OTWN: There’s too many
people over there.
SP: We noticed.
OTWN: What are you doing
about it?
SP: How would you like
to have a NDE and go
back as a Sommelier.
OTWN: Will I get a discount
on on the wines?
SP: Go stand in the
other corner with the

There were six whole
cloves of garlic in the
skillet which I saved for

(I know what you’re
thinking. He ate a
skillet for dessert.
Don’t be silly. I had
garlic for dessert.)

The wine is “smooth” and
delicious now.

And getting more “astringent”
with each sip.

How can it be smooth and

I don’t know.

Smooth: concordance of flavor
Astringent: raspy feeling in the mouth
Meaning: Astringency wins by TKO
because it saved its best punches
for the end.

And before the wine was
totally gone, I checked to
make sure that I HAD BEEN
drinking CF.

Here’s the Skurnick link…


“Aged exclusively in tank”!!!

What (on Earth) was I tasting???

Where did that oaky flavor come from???


After reading some STUFF,
maybe I was smelling/tasting
the tobacco that I see in some
notes. Ash would move me in
the right direction too.

This wine has indeed been
challenging, but it has been

And now I’m meeting the expected
“crud” at the bottom of the
“well dimpled” bottle.

So long my friend. I hope
to meet the rest of your
family some day.

Salvard Cheverny Rosé 2016

2018-05-12 Salvard Cheverny Rosé 2016sm.jpg

It wasn’t necessarily “a mistake”, I just
didn’t make notes in “real time”.

I distinctly remember being abducted at
the moment the cork was removed.

The aliens were pale and thin-skinned, and
most often wear red to be socially acceptable.

Maybe I was raptured and not abducted.

It’s difficult to take notes in either case.

In a separate note, I mention that I
should be on the lookout for rosé
of PN.

I’ll try not to forget tripping
over this one which also contains

I can’t imagine a more appealing thing.

There is no point in trying to describe it.

I just remember it was DELICIOUS and hope to
revisit “the Loire” soon.