Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017

2018-12-07 Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017.jpg

This is a three-peat.

I had it in April AND June.

This IS however a new vintage.

I didn’t take notes because
I would have felt like Lenny
if I did.

My existing notes tell me that
my memory isn’t THAT bad.

Now if I can just remember that
I don’t need to “try” this one

Saint Peter: OMG, you died drinking
an Austrian rosé. How horrible!
OTWN: Not really, the wine keeps
getting better.
SP: I mean, YOU’RE DEAD.
OTWN: What kind of wine
should I have been drinking?
SP: How about a CAB?
OTWN: That would be the death of me.
SP: Exactly.

Hang in there.

Schloss Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2016

2018-06-13 SCHLOSS GOBELSBURG Cistercien Rosé 2016.jpg

 This one is a repeat
impressor, but still
hard to “spell”.

I don’t remember what
it is like, EXACTLY.

Outrageously tart.

I’m not going to cheat
and look to see if I
made notes previously.

Within all that tartness,
I’m picking up a tiny bit
of the honeycomb.

I’m NOT picking up a
particular citrus flavor

(Previously, I imagined

Maybe something softer.
Pear? Tropical?

Here’s the official


I didn’t get this
one as cold as I
like on day one.

I need more/better
wine bottle chillers.

Day Two…

After a night in the
fridge, the wine is
icy cold and a comfort
during the back-to-back
FOMC/ECB press conferences.

A rare event like a…

Hang in there.