Von Winning Pinot Noir Rosé 2017

2018-11-30 Von Winning Pinot Noir Rosé 2017.jpg

After drinking that Sprockets
White with the PN in it, I have
decided that…

Man cannot live by PN RED alone,
he must have sparkling/dry white and rosé.

I might have to start including
St. Gregory in my “conversations”,
but I’ll have to decide WHICH ONE.

(Saint, not conversation, don’t
be silly.)

St. Gregory: Why are you choking?
OTWN: I read that the northern CA
vineyards were at risk of being
SG: Heaven forbid.
OWTN: That’s what we said, but
the fires kept raging.
SG: Relax my son, your
heavenly Father knows what’s best.
OTWN: You mean like burning the PN
SG: Don’t be silly.
OTWN (aside):
Maybe I, and my
imaginary readers and interlocutors
should stop accusing each other
of being silly.
SG: He’s probably recommending the
2005 Borgogne commune
wines if you’re on a budget.
OTWN: He knows me pretty well.
How about a bubbly?
SG: Now you’re talkin’ MY book
Hand me your flute.


Obviously, this wine is an
excellent libation.

It’s like drinking lipstick
in the most delicious way

In the lighter wines, the PN
perfume becomes flavor.

This is the second time recently
that I have come to this
“infusion conclusion”.

One good wine deserves another.

The wine is like a springboard
that offers you several ways to jump.

i.e. Bubbly white?, still white,
bubbly rosé, or still red.

Take a sip…

Try to imagine the bubbly playing
games with your tongue.

Try to image the white daring
you to find a soft fruit flavor
behind the veil of acidity.

Or try to imagine the red with
a hint of perfume and an
abundance of soft red fruit
flavor preserved with a
gentle splash of pucker potion.

For me, the answer is simple.

All of the above.

And for the uninitiated that
don’t get headaches easily…

Click to access nvsgbrutrose.pdf.pdf

No, I’m not drinking SG today.

I’m warming up.

Maybe tomorrow I can settle
down and pay attention to

Day Two…

Sorry, wine-induced
attention deficit disorder.

But, but, but, what about
the wine???

Hang in there.

Meßmer Pinot Noir 2013

2018-07-25 Meßmer Pinot Noir 2013.jpg

This is at least the
third time that I have had this one.

So comforting.

Totally seductive perfume.
Low ALC.
Nuttily astringent.
Plenty tart.
Non-intrusive fruit.
(Say what?)

Wine Fruit: Hey, I saw the
light on. What are YOU
ALL drinking?
OTWN: PN. Go away.
WF: I won’t stay long.
I just smelled that awesome
perfume. Couldn’t resist.
OTWN: Let me help you.
WF: Oh well, my GF just
opened a Garnacha.
OTWN: Vaya con Dios.

If I told the casual
wine drinker that I
liked PN from “eastern
Europe”, I would get a
blank stare.

Luckily I’m not any more
self-conscious than the
average paranoid schizophrenic.

I’ll go with “middle east” PN
if I can find it.

What will it take for the
Georgians to start making
fine dry wines and sending them
to Kansas?

I DON’T KNOW, but time is
running out FOR ME.

Where’re the autocratic,
communist governments of
this world when you need them?

Burgundy, I presume.

What’s all this “global”
nonsense for anyway?


I don’t mind going barefoot.

(Spring to Fall only please.
I’ll drink Rioja in the winter
with my socks and slippers on.)

Lest you think that I can
dream up this nonsense WITHOUT
FOOD, let me assure you that

Lunch menu…
Chili Cheese Corn Tortilla Stacks

(Requires imagination/nightmares.)

Take it or leave it.

The best stack was the one
that got forgotten in the oven
while I was “investigating”
a “blonde” that wrote an article
on corporate bonds.

The overdone stack (the food)
was good.

I didn’t read the article
because the deck was stacked
against me.

I think I need a …

from this BIG BOTTLE.

Day Two…

Actually, the bottle COULD
BE just a little bit bigger.

Hang in there.

Messmer Spätburgunder Rosé Trocken Pfaltz 2016

2018-06-21 Messmer Spätburgunder Rosé Trocken Pfaltz 2016.jpg

Try to remember
to get the wine name

(I tried.)

I love the RED PN from
this producer, so I
jumped at the chance to
try the rosé.

The first sip tells
me that my instincts
are GOOD.

I expect this to be
from the PN grapes.

I don’t know yet.

The subtle perfume
tells me that it is.

I guess I’m getting
old and set in my

Wines are either

Here’s a link…


Notice that the
“import partner’s”
tasting note basically
says that the wine

BTW, Mr. Theise,
I eat my lunch in
“scenic surroundings”
every day and enjoy
wine in the process.

Aspiration accomplished.

I hope this is
a reasonable substitute
for “picnics”.

WHICH are for folks
that DON’T live in
pastoral settings.

Why travel to get
ticks and chiggers
when your pets bring
them home for lunch?

(I neither eat nor
feed insects.)

Additionally, if you
didn’t drink your
you could enjoy some
in the winter.

How hard is that?


Notwithstanding this
God Bless Skurnick
and Mr. Theise.


I’ll re-screw-cap
this one
Til Tomorrow…

What kind of wine

Day Two…

Patient: I’m troubled.
I talk to my dead dog
BINKS all the time and
all she cares about is
what’s for lunch.
Shrink: What IS for lunch?
P: Sauteed Honey Baked
turkey and Meunster on
toasted wheat bread.
P: Messmer rosé.
S: He seems OK to
me BINKS. Let’s eat.

Since I use snowflakes
(the frozen water kind)
for bookmarks, I
easily lose my place.

If I didn’t take
notes I would not be
aware that PN MAKES

Sorry PN…

Now I’m wondering
about the relative
merits of the
various grape
varieties used in

Learning never tasted
so good on an empty

I’m not sure that
I have yet to convey
the extent to which
I have enjoyed this wine.

Silly me.

Hang in there.

Schmitt Sohne Relax Pinot Noir

I bought this one in Louisburg for $7.99 I think.

The BOTTLE color is magenta (or something) and
is 95% opaque.

Screw caps are music to my ears. (I “celebrate”
when I see one…)

(I counted six “key changes” or whatever they are called.
I can’t believe that they got THAT excited about a
wine bottle enclosure technique.)

This wine deserves my Riedel PN glass, so I cleaned
it and put it inside one of those frozen stone wine
chiller things.

I’m hoping the glass gives this wine a fighting chance.

The INTERESTING thing is that the “stuff” on the
bottle indicates that this is a German PN.

Qualitätswein, Rheinhessen.


The first gush of wine into the glass reveals a
pale, brick-like color that causes me to start drooling.



Can I just stop here and get on with life?

I guess not.

I can’t wait to be disappointed.

But Noooo, this wine is wonderful.

So pale and delicately fruity.

A nice feeling in the mouth but not acidic
or tannic.

At 12% ALC, I figured it was going to be
really pale or sweet.

Russian (or vacinity) wine quality roulette
(can this be played with a semi-automatic dispenser?)
with a PINKish spin-the-bottle “device”.

There may be a touch of sweet. If so, it’s not distracting
to me.

As I snuggle up to this one, it occurs to me that
I should be on the lookout for rosé of PN from disparate places.
Terroir, s’il vous plaît.

The problem is that there are TOO MANY wines to be on the
lookout for.

Due to the bottle construction, I can’t tell how much I’m
drinking without a 1,000,000+ candlepower spotlight, so I am
resolved to DRINK THE WHOLE BOTTLE in one sitting.

I COULD ask for MORE of EVERYTHING in a PN wine, but
this wine makes a compelling case for oenological asceticism.

(Apparently it has NEVER occurred to ANYBODY that this
is even a “concept”.)

When the mind is a gentle stream of clear and pure
flowing waters, the slightest hint of flavor or aroma
can alter the tranquility balance and initiate endless

On the other hand, most of us are addlepated and require
Napa CABs (or such) to “align” with our
schizophrenic sensibilities.

I’m not prejudiced against CS. I just don’t like it unless
it’s hiding in an uncorked fine Bordeaux wine bottle.

THE PN PERFUME. Where does it come from? Why can’t I
enjoy it EVERY day.

I’ll start singing (or something) in a minute…

The wine is gone and the forecast this afternoon
is for rain.

I guess I can just RELAX…

Gee, you can take your pick as to which “moody”
song suits your fancy.

I can’t decide which is worse…

Perhaps a deep breath will help. (How EXACTLY
does that help whatever it’s supposed to help?)

Patient: Doctor, I have a tendency to breathe
in a shallow fashion.
Doctor: Take deep breaths.
Patient: Will that REALLY help?
Doctor: The receptionist will help you make
an appointment with the shrink.

And eschew the semi-automatic dispensers after lunch.

I’m going to try to avoid opaque bottles
in the future.

Carl Loewen Alte Reben Riesling

If I’m going to drink more of this
kind of elixir, then I’m going to have to alter
my “style”.

That’s not a problem.

I can start drinking around 8:30am. That part
is easy.

The challenge is deciding what to have for “brunch”.

A totally perverse thought just entered my mind…

Deviled ham (canned) finger sandwiches.

Or ANY kind of light sandwich, like tuna, chicken or
egg salad.

Ah yes. Egg salad finger sandwiches.

I have another R in the cooler, so that’s the
plan for that one.

I’m drooling again.

I hesitate trying to describe the wine for fear of
insulting it.

Such a delicate flower.

The nose is tropical maybe. Or pear???

Although “acidy enough” for me, it’s not overbearing.

Gentle on the tongue for a dry Mosel R, I imagine.

If I had to work hard for a living, I would opt for
picking grapes along the Mosel.

Wine Picker: I’m home.
Wife: How was your day at the office.
WP: Excruciating.
W: Why don’t you look for another job?
WP: I like the benefits. What’s for supper.
W: Egg salad sandwiches and this Goldtröpfchen stuff you keep bringing home.
WP: Sehr gut.

I’m daydreaming so much that I haven’t cracked
the books on this wine.

I think I get the picture.

And the honey is subtle. I find that “compelling”.

This IS the first wine that I have ever thought of slapping
the “compelling” word on but that’s what happened.

Let’s not stop with “compelling”, how about “evocative”.

Even my empty glass is “seductive”.

I’ve totally lost it.

Is this wine REALLY GOOD or am I just in an altered
state of mind?

Day Two…

I saved a LITTLE BIT of this one for
“brunch” today.

Mild cheddar cheese finger sandwiches.

I’m trying to hold out until 10:30am.

I made it. Brunch was “satisfying”.

Nik Weis St. Urbans-Hof Wiltinger Riesling

It’s 9:30am and I am already drooling.

The wine has been moved from the cooler to the
fridge so it will be REALLY COLD.

I’m having leftover André’s Quiche Lorraine which
I will gently warm up in the convection oven.

I need a distraction until I get hungry.

OK, that helped. I cleaned my wine glass three


I’m just smelling the top of the uncorked bottle.

I can pick up that “salty minerality” on the nose.

This is going to be interesting.

There’s an odor like “Epsom salts”, but wonderful.

The “salty minerality” description and my nose suggests
that the “minerals” are iron and magnesium as opposed to
slate or graphite.

I’ll remember this wine the next time I sharpen my
mower blades.

Let me pour some and swish it around a bit.

Can I smell it from two feet away???

First sip…

An exploding tart citrus bouquet.

Dry to be sure but I taste that wee bit of
sugar dictated by the Feinherb classification.

I thought I picked up a whiff of honey and expected it
to more evident on the tongue. I say it is subdued.
OK, it’s there, just hiding behind the kumquats.

One sliver of quiche down and the wine is still bouncing
off the walls.

No complaints about the unsheathed “rapier-like” acidity here. Sheesh.

An now, for a bit of geography. First, I had to struggle to learn that
this one is not from the Saar. Did I take home something from Saar? I know
you mentioned something about Saar. Anyway, it appears that St. Urbans-Hof
has two terrain disadvantages. It is on the flat AND
north-facing side of the river. 0-4. The Mosel gets a bye.

Does this have any bearing on the “style” of wine?

Of course it does. It’s ALMOST bone dry, SUPER acidic, and
REALLY LOW in ALC. Who needs sunshine?

Nevertheless, perfect. No need to chug this one. I COULD drink it
all day. We’ll see how it goes.

Maybe there’s a bit of apple in there. Tart, but ripe,
not green.

Now this is really bizarre. I just got an “oiliness” sensation
along with some “herbiness”. I didn’t get that sensation straightaway
even though the description was trying to help me. Without further
guidance, I declare it to be thyme with a hint of tarragon, but I’ve
been smelling THAT since I cleaned up the herb garden yesterday.

Maybe the wine and I are relaxing a bit.

I love the citrus flower girl with thyme braids in her hair.


Now I’m bouncing off my cranial walls after seeing that the urbans-hof.de site
actually specifies “iron” as the “mineral”. I didn’t make it to this site
until I re-corked the bottle for the day. I can’t believe I pulled the correct
rabbit out of the hat.

Day Two…

I’m just going to have the leftovers as an aperitif
to lunch.