Wonderwall Pinot Gris

As a testament to my declining mental
capacity, I had to re-remember that
Pinot Gris is Pinot Grigio.

I can’t believe it.

(My memory and the wine.)

This wine is insanely delicious.

Whether it is EXACTLY “my style” is another
matter. And no matter.

This should add to my wine appreciation factor
by several tenths of a rating point.

I cheated, so I’m expecting apricot and honeyed

I’ll go with that until something else comes to

That didn’t take long…

One of my favorite THINGS is Disaronno amaretto on
grapefruit pieces or in grapefruit juice.

This comes to mind as I sip the wine.

I may have to stretch for the almonds but they’re
there. Maybe.

I picked this wine today because my appetizer will
be Honey Baked TURKEY. I figured PG would be OK
with that.

The HBT is delicious and goes just fine with the wine.

I’m having Andre’s bolognese sauce with angel hair again
so this will be REAL INTERESTING.

I figured the PG would be OK because I basically eat
the pasta with just a wee bit of sauce for flavor.
I mix the pasta and sauce as I spoon it out of the
skillet and into my mouth. Pasta on one side,
sauce on the other, eat from the middle. Like that.

Plates are for people, not wine lovers.

This is a MUST WATCH video.

This wine would go with anything between earthworm aspic
and escargo etoufee, so MY lunch was just fine.

The pairing might not be ideal but it could become
one of my favorite things…

You don’t have to watch this one unless you are curious
as to how the wine got its beautiful color.

I’m just going to keep going on about how luscious
this wine is.

And beautiful.

A rosé impersonator.

An intoxicating elixir extraordinaire.

Heaven is comprised of hills and valleys interspersed
with wineries of every sort.

Upon passing through the Pearly Gates, you are handed a
crystal chalice and directed down a winding path. The first
babbling brook you come to is filled with Wonderwall PG and
lined with almond and apricot trees in full bloom.

If you linger, a forest nymph will bring you warm
ciabatta and Petit Basque cheese.

What are we still doing HERE?

Oh yeah, warming up.

My only question is HOW DO THEY DO THAT?

(The flavor that is. Never mind the color of Maria’s
hair. On second thought, THAT would be interesting to know

Wonderwall Pinot Noir

After deciding to open this one, the next
step is to listen to Oasis tunes until the
next best action seems to be to take a sip.


When can I start drinking?

All in good time…

First sip…

Roses? Where do we go now?

Although “perfume” is an expected PN experience,
I don’t remember ever getting hit with roses.

Maybe like an “immature” version of the classic
Barolo aroma.

But it’s fading. I hear the pitter-patter of
cherry feet. Or should that be clippety-clop?
They’re so BIG.

I’ll TRY to enjoy my onomatopoetic, oenophilic

A TART cherry milkshake fruit bomb.


I think I’m tasting “sweetness”.

OK, let’s go to school. The ALC on this
one is 12.9% which leads me to believe that

Why don’t they make PORT out of these grapes?

Maybe I’m being silly, but who knows.

Now I’m thirsty for V or LBV port.

As long as we’re having dessert…

I’ll have the special dark chocolate almond nuggets
with that seductive Wonderwall PN.

This one would be perfect for Sangria, so maybe
it would be a good wine to go with a simple fruit plate
and poppy seed dressing (on the fruit).

Now I’m drooling again.

The fruit plate would defuse the wine sweetness.

Moving right along…

I’m tasting smoke/ash/tobacco. I can’t decide which is worse.

Ash maybe. Not quite fresh enough to be cured tobacco leaf.

How do they do that to PN?

So, I imagine that this was a baby step in the “richer” direction
in order to expand my PN experience.

The problem is that it is too sweet, too soft/milky, and too smokey/ashy for me
with respect to my PN preferences.

Day Two…

Never mind yesterday.

I’m totally enjoying this wine today.

The ash is still there but it is not “burdensome”.

It doesn’t seem THAT silky.

There’s an interesting aroma that I can’t place.

And it’s gone…

Hang in there.