Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017

2018-12-07 Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2017.jpg

This is a three-peat.

I had it in April AND June.

This IS however a new vintage.

I didn’t take notes because
I would have felt like Lenny
if I did.

My existing notes tell me that
my memory isn’t THAT bad.

Now if I can just remember that
I don’t need to “try” this one

Saint Peter: OMG, you died drinking
an Austrian rosé. How horrible!
OTWN: Not really, the wine keeps
getting better.
SP: I mean, YOU’RE DEAD.
OTWN: What kind of wine
should I have been drinking?
SP: How about a CAB?
OTWN: That would be the death of me.
SP: Exactly.

Hang in there.

Johannes Zillinger Reflexion Lage Steinthal St. Laurent 2015

2018-11-29 Zillinger Reflexion -   Lage Steinthal Sankt Laurent 2015.jpg

This is a repeat because it’s

That’s OK, but I wish there
were more dry red offerings
from this part of the world.

Zweigelt would be on the
top of the buy list.

The St.L is about as “bold” as
I can enjoy.

I’m not able to give a
“taste/flavor analysis” today
because this is one of those wines
that just simply tastes like “wine”.

(Why make an exception TODAY?)

Just drink it and enjoy it.

There ain’t no hair on it…


Then read this…

and this…


It’s a good thing I’m an
OLD (world) wine lover.

I guess.

Saint Peter: Look at me. I can’t
see your face.
OTWN: I grew up in the 60s.
SP: So. You’re bald now.
Quit pretending you have hair.
OTWN: I thought I would be
SP: You were born bald.
OTWN: I can’t win.
SP: What game do you think
we’re playing?
OTWN: Winner take all?
SP: What’s YOUR ante?
OTWN: I still have half of
this St. Laurent.
SP: WE win. Go stand in
the corner.

Hang in there.

Alexander Koppitsch Weißburgunder Authentisch 2017

2018-11-05 Alexander Koppitsch Weißburgunder Authentisch 2017.jpg


This is the first white
wine I have “enjoyed” from the
recent Lukas haul and I picked
it out today for lunch because…


The first sensation I had was
the whiff after I opened the bottle.


After much tasting, the flavor is
neither sweet nor green. Just apple.

Frightfully delicious.

Plenty of acidity for that beloved
and lip smacking tartness.

This is a “lightly filtered” wine.

Alexander & Maria Koppitsch

The top of the bottle is seductively
cloudy. I can’t wait for the dregs.

After drinking this wine, you can wipe
the slate clean and start all over again
trying to describe what you desire in a
white wine.

There might be the most delicate citrus
fruit flavors surfing on the pomace.

Initially I detected a bit of oily/waxiness
but it is not something that lingers.

I am dumbfounded as to how simple, clean and
delicious this wine is.

After reading about this wine and the winemakers,
I feel like royalty.

What a treat to be drinking a wine produced with
such care and dedication.

And from Austria.

There are places on this planet that SHOULD
produce more fine wine and there are places
that should call it a day.

How about their Pinot Noir?

Or the Zweigelt?

Or rosé?

Lest you think that this wine has
left me silly-challenged,
Alexander reminds me of one of
the dudes in ABBA.


The waxiness is still there but is
just perfect to smooth out the acidity
as it goes down the hatch.

Mamma Mia.

Hang in there.

Prieler Rosé Vom Stein 2015

2018-08-10 Prieler Rosé Vom Stein 2015.jpg

I can’t help being Goofy,
I’m having A Momentary
Lapse of Reason…

This is the only
thing I can think of as
I sip this wine.

Suspended animation,
a state of bliss.

Almost sweet.

Fruit salad slurpee.

I don’t care WHAT
the flavors are.


When I pulled this one
out of the cooler this
morning I HOPED for something
like this, but THIS
is way beyond my

6am: Check global markets
7am: Coffee
8am: Check outstanding
stock options positions
prior to market open.
9am: After assessing
current market situation
and adjusting positions
accordingly, select
wine to be consumed
with lunch and move
(the wine) from cooler
to fridge.
10am: Start “cooking” lunch.
10:30am: Hurry up.

There’s no excessive
acidity nor is there a
cloying sweetness.

Just a seductive
“in between”.

I have fruit flies
arriving from Iowa.

There are no rotting
melons in the garden
this year, so
it must be the wine.

What’s in this bottle?

Since it’s Austrian, let’s
guess that it’s that PN
“similar” grape whose name
escapes me.

Not Zweigelt, the other red
from Austria. (St. Laurent?)

Let’s see.

OK, I missed by the sum
of a vineyard’s row lengths.

Here’s the Skurnick link…

And Terry Theise’s comments on the 2015 vintage…
(Search for Prieler)

And a link on the grape…

One minute you think
you know something about
wine, and the next minute
you are an idiot.

Ahhh, ignorance…

Learning never tasted
so good.

First when there’s nothing
But a slow budding flower
That your anticipation seems to hide
Deep inside your mind

All alone, I have made
little pools full of drool
In a fermentation made of steel
Made of stone

Well, I hear the crush
Close my eyes, smell the fumes
Wrap around, take a hold of my heart

What a feeling
Being’s believing
I can have it all
Now I’m drinking for my life

Take your palate
And make it happen
The MUST comes alive
You can drink right through your life

Now I hear the cork pop
Close my eyes, I am seduced
In a flash, it takes hold of my heart

What a feeling, being’s believing
I can have it all
Now I’m drinking for my life

Take your palate
And make it happen
The MUST comes alive
Now I’m drinking through my life

What a feeling

What a feeling (I am Wine now)
Being’s believing (I am Rosé now)
The MUST comes alive
You can drink right through your life

What a feeling (I can really have it all)
What a feeling
(The MUST comes alive when I call)
I can have it all (I can really have it all)

Have it all (MUST comes alive when I call)
(Call, call ,call, call, what a feeling)
I can have it all (being’s believing)
Being’s believing (take your palate)
(Make it happen) Make it happen
(What a feeling) What a feeling

What did YOU think this
song was about?

Hang in there.

Schloss Gobelsburg Cistercien Rosé 2016

2018-06-13 SCHLOSS GOBELSBURG Cistercien Rosé 2016.jpg

 This one is a repeat
impressor, but still
hard to “spell”.

I don’t remember what
it is like, EXACTLY.

Outrageously tart.

I’m not going to cheat
and look to see if I
made notes previously.

Within all that tartness,
I’m picking up a tiny bit
of the honeycomb.

I’m NOT picking up a
particular citrus flavor

(Previously, I imagined

Maybe something softer.
Pear? Tropical?

Here’s the official


I didn’t get this
one as cold as I
like on day one.

I need more/better
wine bottle chillers.

Day Two…

After a night in the
fridge, the wine is
icy cold and a comfort
during the back-to-back
FOMC/ECB press conferences.

A rare event like a…

Hang in there.