Sladić Debit 2015

2018-12-18 Sladic Debit 2015   Label.jpg

I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.
I will not be bad.

I promise to take notes
next time IF I GET THE

This wine was STUNNING.

You can read the description
on the back of the bottle.

2018-12-18 Sladic Debit 2015   Desc.jpg

The wine is better than
ANY description.

This would be Eve’s wine.

I didn’t take the time to
see what kind of grapes were

Since the wine comes from Croatia,
I figured they would be “different”.

The honeycomb flavor was so
delicious that you might think
that there was just a tiny bit
of residual sugar in there.

Maybe. I don’t know. No matter.

There was plenty of acidity to
balance the imagined? sweetness.

The flavors hit you from every

Adam: Have you seen Eve?
God: I sent her to the orchard
to pick grapes.
A: Not again!!!
G: SOMEBODY has to pick grapes.
A: Yeah, but she eats the old
shriveled ones that have already
fallen off the vine.
G: Waste not, want not.
A: And she gets potted in
the process.
G: What have I done!
A: You made grapes to ferment and
you make Eve work too hard.
G: I must atone.
A: Let’s have some of that
Debit you’re hoarding and think
about priorities.
G: Sounds good. Now go down to
the orchard and drag Eve back up here.

(Much later…)

OK, so the grape is “Debit”.

Here are some “educational”

Hang in there.

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